Wednesday 5 January 2011

What’s the point of this blog?

Well, it’s quite obvious, to bash on religions and to enforce the worship of Satan...Or so that’s what we’re told by Christians & Muslims. 

The aim of this blog is to voice my militant atheism! No wait!

"In order to be called a militant atheist, all you have to do is write a book or have a blog. If you're religious and you want people to call you militant, you have to blow stuff up and shoot people." -Martin Wagner

First, let’s try to see what the common definition/understanding of the term “freethinker” is:
  1. Free-thinker - Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that opinions should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, and should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or any other dogma.
  2. A person who has formed their opinions using reason and rational enquiry; somebody who has rejected dogma, especially with regard to religion
  3. Freethinking - freethinkers rejected dogma or religion on the grounds that the truth can be ascertained only through science and rational thinking. They advocated secularization and the integral separation of Church and State  
Look! No Satan worshipping involved! Unless of course, you believe that in the context of religion, that “scepticism is a sin”, in which case you may as well just call us the spawn of Satan for all we care.
It’s understandable why our fellow bible/quran thumping buddies see us as religion bashing Satanists. Freethinkers are well known for questioning religious dogma, voicing their opposition to the herd-like mentality that religious thinking promotes. Some of the reasons why freethinkers question religious dogma:
  • Religions (or any other dogma for that matter) do not hesitate in violating human rights
  • Use of censorship to hide criticism/sceptical inquiry of said religion e.g. Scientology and Islam.
  • Accepting claims uncritically can lead to mistakes that cost us dearly in the future, take for example the fact that we have people with 7th century mentality with access to weapons of mass destruction (as mentioned by the MILITANT secularist Sam Harris). Another example would be faith healing, where the flock throw away their medicines as charlatans like Peter Popoff leech money off the vulnerable having “cured” them.

Photographic proof and evidence that is accurate and correct, that Sam Harris is a cross between Ben Stiller and Seth Green, I smell a conspiracy! It must be those godless scientists conjuring up clones to spread their evil secularist agenda!

I, and many others, would like to see people think for themselves, to evaluate claims, particularly absurd claims, critically before accepting potentially life changing world views. This blog will be one way in which I can communicate, perhaps encourage freethought especially in the Desi community, in turn, perhaps I shall be encouraged even more by others out there. Why Desi community? Well first of all, I live in an area which is predominantly populated with Desi folk, I also happen to be a Desi guy myself, so it should be a no brainer. The second reason, in response to an article I read on Richard Dawkins website, about “the accidental exclusion of non-white atheists”.

 “I have been contacted by a number of Asian people who don't believe in God but feel they have to carry on the pretence of being a Muslim because they genuinely fear that the consequences of "coming out" would be unbearable. They fear being ostracised from their family and friends, and "not being able to get married" - Alom Shaha
Pretty much all of that said above is true, even the thing about the marriage- that’s coming from personal experience :D However this can’t just be applied to Muslims, but also Sikhs and Hindus (arranged marriages are common here as well).

So wherever you freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, secularists, etc are, it's time to wakeup and save humanity from the noxious flames of superstition!
~Evangelical Desi Freetinker

So wherever you Desi freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, masala skeptics are, it's time to spread the word and wakeup our brothers and sisters from the noxious fumes of religion.