Sunday 20 May 2012

Draw Muhammad Day gripers

Anticipating the upcoming "Draw Muhammad Day", Pakistan blocks Twitter access as it did not remove material deemed offensive to Islam. Considering the intellectual vacuum Pakistan happens to be, in a way I expected this to happen, but not so soon! At least I have my own Muhammad depiction ready anyways:


 Evil kuffar's blasphemous depiction of Muhammad (peace be upon ALL mankind). 
Note: religious dimwits may find this image more offensive than murder itself- author cannot be held responsible for the crimes others commit, regardless of their excuse.

To me, this just demonstrates the fragility of Islam, or any other ideology which gets so touchy feely when someone criticises or dare mocks it. Islam isn't alone when it comes to censoring opposing views or anything that exposes it for the superstitious fraud that it is- $cientology is another example, or for the Muslims who want an example of why censorship is a naughty thing; you can mention the US government censoring or covering up crimes they've participated in.

Above: Thunderf00t vs Saudi Arabia's greatest actor

I would have posted something with more thought and interesting material, but right now I'm exhausted and busy with IRL stuff! But I have been spending a bit of time reading apologist material, mainly Muslim and Sikh stuff, which I might address when I get time =)

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