Saturday 16 March 2013

Why religions deserve no respect.

 Every so often, I come across articles which leave me scratching my head... Badly... I think I'll end up bald very soon...
CAIRO — Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood sharply criticized an anticipated U.N. document on combatting violence against women, saying on Wednesday that it was “deceitful,” clashed with Islamic principles and undermined family values. 

Interested? If so, clicky: Wash-po

"The text of the document has not been published because negotiations are continuing, regarding how to address sexual violence and rights of women to control their sexuality as well as sexual and reproductive health and rights."
 In plain English: they're having a debate on whether women should have the right to control their own bodies (i.e. when to have a baby). You'd almost think that reptile-brained Republicans were at these so-called negotiations...

"In its strongly worded statement, the Brotherhood also decried the document’s defense of homosexual rights, which are not recognized in Islam..."
If all reference to religion had been removed from that article, the people in it would be labelled homophobic bigots, and rightfully so. But it appears that in the case of religion, you are granted somewhat of a pass from being called a "homophobe", if not that, your views are some what respected which I find rather depressing.

"...and the equating between children born in and out of wedlock."
 And what would you have us do? KILL the parents? Wait, I shouldn't have asked that!

The Brotherhood, which won Egypt’s presidency and controls parliament, called on other Muslim nations, women’s groups and Islamic organizations to reject the document. It called it an infringement on the thought, culture and uniqueness of Islamic societies.
Holy ****! I've heard people being accused of being condescending and egotistical, I'm not being condescending and egotistical: these guys REALLY are stupid! They can't see the irony in such a sentiment even if it were dancing naked! Maybe it's because the irony has been covered up with a burka, who knows? This kind of double think has me wondering if religion truly does damage the brain PHYSICALLY. How is it that followers of a religion that infringe on the thought and culture of those of other religions and those of no religion, talk about their thought and culture being infringed on?

"Differences over sex education, a woman’s right to reproductive health, and demands for an exception for traditional, cultural and religious practices stymied an accord.The Brotherhood’s statement appeared to reflect those persistent differences, saying that religious traditions and values are threatened by such a universal document."
And there we have it. In a simple sentence: why I no longer respect religion. Efforts to promote human rights are being slowed because those most afraid of death, the religious, have allowed their fairy tales to dictate their morals rather than empathy and compassion.

And what's really sad, is when I come across many Muslims who tell ME their religion is peaceful and tolerant. If you truly believe that, you would not be telling it to me. Instead, you would be telling it to your religious brethren who murder those who leave the religion, and stifle even the mildest of criticisms of their religion. The first thing I would've done, would be to fight those who did bad in my religion's name. It's what I would've done- and I say this as I was once extremely religious. The biggest offenders of my religion at the time weren't the critics of it, but those who perpetrated atrocities in its name. I think my brain wasn't damaged enough by religion back then, probably why I left it with much of my faculties intact.

Anyway, living here in Europe I consider myself lucky. Lucky not to have been born in a religiously oppressive country, to have escaped religion. But it's not all luck though. A few hundred years ago, Europe was worse, far worse, than the violence and hate-ridden cesspits in the middle east. So things can get better, much better- we don't burn witches alive here anymore, nor do we execute apostates and unweds! We do have priests molesting boys unfortunately, but it's not like that's legal now, is it?

But that shouldn't mean that we should be complacent. Europe wasn't changed by sitting on our butts. Slavery, racism, discrimination against females, freedom of thought and freedom of religion did not come cheap- people had to lay their lives for us to get this far. We are fortunate that we don't have to risk as much as those of the past to maintain what we have now.

If you think it's not possible for enlightened countries to revert back- I suggest you look at Iran, Iraq, Egypt. At some point in time, it was possible to be an atheist, you even had women walking the streets fine- your life wouldn't be at risk. In 2013, these countries would have you jailed if not executed if you dare criticise the favoured religion. And don't forget, you're only okay as a female as long as you've dressed like the Ku Klux Klan.

Islamists are afraid. Don't believe me? Look at how violently they react against anyone who supports rights for homosexuals, reproductive rights for women, and those who are skeptical of their religion. Anyone who is skeptical of what I say and believe, will not receive violent reactions from me. I'm not afraid of your criticisms. If I'm wrong, I really want to know, and I expect you to convince me- that's because I don't have a story (religion, ideology) to sell. If human rights, free inquiry, etc, were promoted- religion withers and dies. Anjem Choudary made that pretty clear. We've seen it in Europe where you had the most barbaric of people, EU Christians, yet now, the religion has become a joke. However, it did take a few hundred years...No one said it was going to be easy.

>Rant off

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